Post by olddocfox on Sept 5, 2015 19:20:10 GMT -5
... he orders a Shnapps and takes a seat next to a gorgeous Nordic reflex ... "What's a good looking TLR like you doing in a low-ASA bar like this?", he asks. "Waiting for my Japanese date!", she responds. Without waiting for a response, she emptied her glass and picked up her shoulder strap. With a toss of her red hair she was on her way, leaving him to sit sadly in the lonely echoes of her high-heels clicking on the marble. East German women are like that, he thought.
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Post by mickeyobe on Sept 6, 2015 0:45:22 GMT -5
I am confident that if he is patient the world renowned beauty, Miss Vitessa, will arrive, open her barn doors wide and invite him to plunge in to share a roll ---------- of Fujichrome. Mickey
Post by olddocfox on Sept 6, 2015 8:37:22 GMT -5
You bet your Skopar! Let's hope he didn't leave with some cheap and flashy rent-a-Zorki!